Sunday, February 15, 2009

A week at a time...

Words cannot describe how i feel right now. This doesn't mean anything bad; actually i'm not sure what this means but i'm going to take a minute and explore anyways. This past week was a typically good week. No major ups and no major downs. I stayed pretty much....melancholy? maybe that's a word for summary. Even with the beloved heart day yesterday, no feelings of the blues, no major excitement, just another week. I must say i am happy about this because it must mean that something is going right! Don't we all appreciate it when things go the way we want? Oh yes! Now i don't say that to seem selfish, i'm just expressing my gratitude to the One who made my week possible, the sincereity i have towards my Amazing Father!
Looking around me right now i see nothing but possibilities and potential traps. Interesting huh? seeing both sides of the coin at the same time. yea it's pretty neat. I have homework piled up to the ceiling. This could cause major anxiety and procrastination or a wonderful learning experience, or both. I see scholarships laying around that remind me of college and everything that brings. Financial worries and possiblities, majors, school choices,new experiences etc. Then i see a book called "The Shack" that i have not started, and i desperately need to. Oh yea and on top of that there's Lent that starts in 10 days and i have not a clue as to what i'll be giving up this year. But that's okay too since i know i'll get my answer eventually- starting another 40 day journey. Yes every new experience, every new lesson i learn, i consider a journey... Well enough of this information download. Here's what i'm getting at incase this is hard to follow. (which it is i'm sure) Life brings us new things all the time. Some are alright, some are hard, sad, joyful, insightful, worriesome, exciting...but they all bring new opportunities all the time. We may not always see those opportunities but they are there. Sometimes we just need to take the time to stop and be on the outside looking in.

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