School started back. FCA begins. Bible studies once again. homework piles up. football season and stats is here. and the biggest thing happening is this fundraiser called "Teddies for Taylor." Teddies for Taylor is a fundraiser for a little girl named Taylor Whitehead. Months ago she had a deadly infection that spread to her heart, she has since been on the upswing into recovery. However, she continues to receive treatments to help her progress. That's why my Bible study group is doing a fundraiser for her. What it is, is this: We are asking for $20 donations for teddy bears. Every teddy bear purchased will be given to a child in a treatment facility and the name of the person donating will be dedicated to that bear. The money raised will be put in a fund for Taylor's treatments. This little girl is very dear to many people in my community! To learn more about how you can help support Taylor's cause, you can comment here or post your email address and i will get back to you with further information! Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
" He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him, He hears their cry and saves them!"-Psalm 145:19